How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Utah

To apply for a Utah medical marijuana card, you must be a Beehive state resident, aged at least 21 years old, with a qualifying medical condition. Utah residents aged 18-20 can qualify for a Utah MMJ card if the state's Compassionate Use Board approves them.
Non-Utah Residents
Visitors to Utah who have a medical cannabis card in their home state can apply for a temporary card that allows them to access Utah Medical Cannabis pharmacies while they are in the state. The cards are valid for 21 days, and patients can only receive two 21-day cards per calendar year. If you believe you meet all of the eligibility criteria, follow these easy steps to get a Utah medical marijuana card.

Schedule a Consultation with a Qualified Medical Provider

MMJCardOnline can help you make an appointment with a qualified medical provider (QMP) in Utah, but you must meet the QMP in person for the initial visit. Please remember that to be eligible for a medical marijuana card in Utah; you must have been diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition (see Patient Qualifying Conditions listed below).


Set up a Utah ID Account and Register with EVS

Visit and follow the instructions provided on the website to set up your Utah ID account. Applicants must also register with the Electronic Verification System (EVS).

EVS is the database used by the Center for Medical Cannabis to manage and issue medical cannabis card applications and qualified medical providers, and all patients and QMPs must register with the EVS.


Await Certification

After you have created your EVS profile and are ‘awaiting certification, ‘ the QMP will enter a certification and recommendation.

Please note that If you have a non-qualifying condition, your QMP must fill out the Compassionate Use Board Petition form in REDCap.


Pay the Utah MMJ Application Fee and Submit Your Application

Once certified by the QMP, you must pay the application fee online via the EVS platform. The initial application and renewal fees are the same, i.e., $15. The completed application is then sent to the UDOH, where it is reviewed by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).


Receive Your Utah MMJ Card

If your application is successful, you’ll receive your Utah MMJ card via email.

Adult patients aged 21 and up with a qualifying condition will have their application reviewed within 15 days of submitting their application.

The application review process for minor patients under 21 years old and adult patients without a qualifying condition will take 90 days, or less from the application submission date, as the Compassionate Use Board must review these applications. will contact patients under 21 and adults without a qualifying condition regarding the status of their Compassionate Use Board petition.

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How to Apply for a Medical Marijuana Card in Utah
- A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Check your eligibility
  • Schedule an appointment with a qualified medical provider (QMP)
  • Attend your initial appointment in person
  • Set up a Utah ID account
  • Register with EVS
  • Await certification
  • Submit your application to the UDOH to be reviewed by the DHHS
  • Receive your MMJ card via email

Utah Medical Marijuana Card Qualifying Conditions

To be eligible for a Utah MMJ card, you must have been diagnosed with one or more of the following qualifying medical conditions:

Patient Qualifying Conditions

  • Autism
  • PTSD
  • Cachexia
  • Epilepsy/debilitating seizures
  • Ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Cancer
  • Persistent nausea unrelated to pregnancy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • ALS
  • A terminal illness where the patient has less than six months to live
  • A condition requiring hospice care
  • Any condition which affects fewer than 200,000 people in the United States
  • Chronic and severe pain lasting longer than fourteen days where a non-opioid prescription or a physical intervention such as chiropractic care has not been effective
  • Any patient that has been approved by the Compassionate Use Board without a medical condition on the list

General Guidelines

In the next sections, we will outline how to renew your Utah medical marijuana card and provide you with important information regarding caregiver rules.

Medical Marijuana Card Renewal in Utah

You must renew your Utah medical marijuana card every six months. Unfortunately, this includes a second doctor’s consultation, and your MMJ card will then only be valid for another six months before your third consultation.

After the first year, MMJ patients may benefit from a one-year renewal cycle. This is possible if their doctor determines that the patient’s MMJ treatment has stabilized and that a one-year renewal period is justified.

Caregiver Rules

To assign a caregiver, they must first register with the UDOH and apply for a Medical Cannabis Caregiver Card. With the associated MMJ card, the caregiver card is automatically renewed. Please note that the state will also conduct a criminal background check on the individual you choose.

A caregiver is permitted to assist up to two MMJ patients. Anyone other than a designated caregiver is prohibited from purchasing marijuana for a patient. They must pay $68.25 upfront and $14 every six months.

History of Cannabis in Utah

Many believe that Utah was the first American state to outlaw marijuana in 1915. However, some scholars argue that California was the first in 1913, while others claim that Massachusetts may have prohibited cannabis use as early as 1911.

In any case, Utah was one of the most staunchly anti-cannabis states for nearly a century. Until 2014, Utah residents couldn’t even buy CBD oil. Even then, you needed a doctor’s recommendation, and the only qualifying condition was intractable epilepsy. As a result, the passage of Proposition 2, the Utah Medical Cannabis Act, on November 6, 2018, came as a surprise.

On March 1, 2020, the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) began accepting online applications. Previously, you had to go to a pre-registered qualified medical provider (QMP) to get a recommendation for medical marijuana. To become a QMP in Utah, doctors needed to complete a four-hour education course and apply to the state.

At the time, physicians could only make 275 patient recommendations. Oncologists, for example, were permitted to have up to 600.

This system caused major issues with the roughly 800 QMPs and the tens of thousands of MMJ patients. Fortunately, in January 2022, UDOH launched its long-awaited physician program. A controlled substance license is now required for any physician, doctor’s assistant, podiatrist, or advanced practice medical nurse to recommend medical marijuana to a maximum of 15 patients.

The new law added 21,000 medical providers to the state, significantly reducing the strain on the state’s MMJ program.

Utah Medical Marijuana Laws and Rules

Having a Utah MMJ card is necessary because the Beehive state continues to take illegal marijuana possession, sale, and use seriously. Being found in possession of any amount of the substance is a misdemeanor, punishable by a six-month prison sentence and a $1,000 fine.

If you’re caught with up to a pound of marijuana, your sentence could be extended to a year. Possession of more than a pound is a felony, and a conviction could result in a 5-year prison sentence.

Even with an MMJ card, cultivation is illegal, and even growing a single plant can land you in jail. Indeed, weed cultivation in Utah is punished based on the total weight of the plants. As a result, if you grow two plants that yield 20 ounces, you could face felony charges.

Finally, selling any amount is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

What Types of Cannabis can I Purchase in Utah?

Capsules, tablets, gelatinous cubes, transdermal preparations, topicals, liquid suspension, and concentrated oil are all permitted under the Act. You can now buy unprocessed cannabis flower, but you can only vape it because smoking the substance is still illegal.

In addition, the marijuana must be stored in a tamper-resistant, opaque container. MMJ cardholders can also use a vaporizer and consume resin or wax. It is also prohibited to use any edible other than the cubes.

If found in possession with marijuana without your MMJ card, you can be fined $100. A similar fine applies if your cannabis is not properly labeled.

How Much Cannabis can I Buy and Possess?

In 30 days, qualifying patients may possess up to 113 grams of unprocessed cannabis and a maximum of 20 grams of total composite THC.

If you reside less than 100 miles from a dispensary, the restrictions are lifted. In 12 days, you can consume up to 56 grams of unprocessed flower or the fourteen day amount recommended on the physician’s certification. You are also not permitted to consume more than ten grams of composite THC in any 12-day period.

Where can I Legally Purchase MMJ in Utah?

The Utah Medical Cannabis Act allows you to use your MMJ card to buy marijuana from any of the 14 state-approved licensed pharmacies. Only half of them were operational by the end of 2020, but thankfully, all of them are now operational.

The Act also mandates that each county can only have one dispensary per 150,000 people. Despite its small population, Utah has a relatively large land area. Due to strict limits on the number of dispensaries in the state, MMJ patients may have to travel a long distance to visit a dispensary.

Can I Take my MMJ to a Different State?

No. Marijuana is still illegal in the United States under the Controlled Substances Act. Traveling across state lines with marijuana in your possession is, therefore, illegal.

FAQ About Getting an MMJ Card in Utah

How long does it take to get a Medical Marijuana Card in Utah?

If you qualify, the DHHS should issue a card within 15 days of receiving your application. However, applications from minors may take up to 90 days to be reviewed. The DHHS will issue the card after approval and email it to you to save on your smartphone or print out.

What if I'm not approved after my initial consultation with an Utah MMJ physician?

MMJCardOnline users have an extremely high approval rate. Please read the information in this guide before applying to increase your chances of success. In the unlikely event that you're not approved, you will get a refund.

How much is it for a Medical Card in Utah?

In Utah, becoming an MMJ patient is expensive, as the low initial application fee of $15 is misleading. You could pay $150 to $300 for the initial consultation, $150+ for a follow-up consultation six months later, and $15 for the renewal. As a result, medical marijuana prices in Utah are among the highest in the country.

Start the MMJ Card Process